
security.txt is a draft IETF standard for websites (webmasters) to communicate security vulnerability/ research policy. The purpose of the standard is to communicate in a standardized manner. The abstract of the RFC states:

When security vulnerabilities are discovered by independent security researchers, they often lack the channels to report them properly. As a result, security vulnerabilities may be left unreported. This document defines a format (“security.txt”) to help organizations describe the process for security researchers to follow in order to report security vulnerabilities.


The security.txt file contains seven fields:

  1. Acknowledgements: This directive allows you to link to a page where security researchers are recognized for their reports. The link MUST begin with “https://".
  2. Canonical: This directive indicates the canonical URI where the security.txt file is located. The link MUST begin with “https://".
  3. Contact: This directive allows you to provide an address that researchers SHOULD use for reporting security vulnerabilities. The value MAY be an email address, a phone number and/or a web page with contac information. This directive MUST be present in a security.txt file. The link MUST begin with “https://".
  4. Encryption: This directive allows you to point to an encryption key that security researchers SHOULD use for encrypted communication. The link MUST begin with “https://".
  5. Hiring: The “Hiring” directive is used for linking to the vendor’s security-related job positions.
  6. Policy: This directive allows you to link to where your security policy and/ or disclosure policy is located. The link MUST begin with “https://".
  7. Prefered-Languages: This directive can be used to indicate a set of natural languages that are preferred when submitting security reports. This set MAY list multiple values, separated by commas.

Web-based services should place the security.txt file under the /.well-known/ path; e.g.


You can find the current RFC draft here

Last modified: 25 April 2020